# Know How
Tyre age regulation
10 Year Tyre Legislation
From 1st February 2021 it is illegal for front axles of HGVs including buses and coaches (vehicles above a gross vehicle weight of 3500 kgs) and all axles on minibuses when fitted in single configuration to use tyres aged more than 10 years.
Vehicle category definitions:
- HGV (N2 & N3) Vehicles for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes
- Buses: A vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers in addition to the driver
- Coaches: A large bus with a maximum gross weight of more than 7500kg and a maximum speed exceeding 60mph
- Minibuses: A motor vehicle which is constructed or adapted to carry more than 8, but not more than 16 seated passengers in addition to the driver.

Annual vehicle test requirements
If a tyre on any axle is found during examinations with a tyre manufacture date code between 9 and 10 years of age an Advisory will be issued.
Tyres with a manufacture date code more than 10 years of age in use on any front (steering) axle(s) of a goods vehicles over 3500kg DGVW, minibuses, large buses and coaches will result in a Dangerous Deficiency.
An Immediate Prohibition will be issued, and the Prohibition will be ‘S’ marked. The ‘S’ marked endorsement on the prohibition will automatically generate a follow up with the operator by the DVSA. Dangerous Deficiency action for a tyre date code more than 10 years of age also extends to any rear axle of a minibus if fitted with single wheels.
Legibility and displaying of the date of manufacturing code
If a date of manufacture code is illegible e.g. worn away due to kerbing abrasions or is not displayed, then: -
- On any axle (excluding a front steered axle) a Minor Deficiency action will be taken, which should instigate the tyre being replaced at the earliest opportunity
- On any front (steering) axle(s) or any single wheel fitment on a minibus, a Major Deficiency action will be taken
- For a manufacture date code which is not visible due to the position on a twin wheel fitment, Advisory action will be taken
IMPORTANT NOTE: ‘Not legible’ means cannot be read, which includes evidence where it has been deliberately removed. ‘Not displayed’ is where the date code cannot be found anywhere on the tyre, e.g. has been omitted by the tyre manufacturer and does not relate to the DOT being shown on the outside sidewall.
Penalties for non-compliance
Penalties for misuse can be: -
- Fixed penalty notices
- Fines
- Driving licence penalty points
- Disqualification from driving
The maximum fine is Level 5, a potentially unlimited amount in England, Ireland and Wales, but capped at £5,000 in Scotland.
What should fleets do?
Fleets managed by our Conti360° Solutions can rest assured that robust tyre maintenance schedules are in place, allowing them to ensure tyres are assessed based on use and mileage as well as age, and that they are always regularly inspected for damage and pressure variations – all very important aspects of tyre safety. We would advise any operators to work closely with their service provider to ensure tyre age has been adequately built into these tyre maintenance polices, and indeed, tyre supply contracts.