Destructive tyre analysis

Tyres are in for a tough time here! The Destructive Tyre Analysis department takes the whole tyre to pieces to identify, analyse and evaluate faults in the casing, the sidewall or the overall tyre structure.
The tyre is dismantled into its component parts using pliers, wire cutters and tyre cutters before undergoing forensic examination.
A fully standardised diagnostic procedure means that seven Continental sites around the world can carry out these investigations and share their knowledge with one another.
It takes two years for an analyst’s fault-finding skills to become entirely dependable. It should make no difference whether the tyre has been analysed at our diagnostic lab in Malaysia or at the Hanover- Stöcken site because the same high standards apply at all seven such locations around the world.
A fully standardised diagnostic procedure means that seven Continental sites around the world can carry out these investigations and share their knowledge with one another.
The diagnostic procedure in detail
The diagnostic procedure involves three steps:
1. An initial investigation of the complete tyre is carried out. The location of the fault is recorded and marked.

2. Samples are obtained for the structural investigation, mainly by means of hard physical work. After all, it takes considerable force to peel off a tread with pliers and the same applies to removing the bead using a tool known as the “can opener”. The tyre cutters are kept in a separate room. Water-jet cutters for obtaining thin and planar sections form part of the standard hardware. There is a recycling system for recovering the fine particles of sand used in the water.

3. Finally, the actual analysis leading to main and secondary findings is carried out in the diagnostic lab. This also includes the precise measurement of dimensions. Up to six main findings plus up to six secondary findings are recorded per tyre. Findings are classified on the basis of a catalogue that is updated annually.
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